WHEELING, W.Va. (WTRF) — Saturday night the JB Chambers Park saw a glow that outshined even the bleakest personal darkness.

The YWCA Wheeling brought together women in their non-treatment WIND program, their families and community resources to show what recovery looks like.

Tie-dye, face painting and glow-in-the-dark slime were all seen as kids and parents threw footballs with police officers.

The Family Fun and Glow Run started in Charleston but moved statewide for the Recovery Month of September.

“We get out here and we glow and we have a few speakers and we get as many organizations as we can to participate so that we have rounded care all in one place with a little bit of fun.”Shannalee Kuri, YWCA WIND Program Director

Narcan was also distributed to those who took part, including community members to break through the stigma.

Speakers also shared their recovery stories to help others along their path.
