YWCA Wheeling Sheds Light On Human Trafficking Awareness Month
WHEELING, W.Va. (WTRF) — The YWCA of Wheeling is committed to fighting human trafficking and advocating for victims.
During human trafficking awareness month, the YWCA is highlighting the successes of its Survivors of Trafficking Empowerment Program or STEP.
Human trafficking remains a prevalent problem for the Ohio Valley, where thousands fall victim to exploitation every year.
According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, there have been more than 23,000 reported cases of trafficking in Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia.
“Human trafficking is happening here. It’s happening in your community, in your neighborhood. We are wanting to take the passion and make it impact so people will know what to do, look for the signs and be a part of the solution.”Stacy Gilson – Founder, Ignite Hope
The STEP Program offers a range of services, including providing individualized plans to address each survivor’s needs, assistance in navigating the legal system and educating the community and law enforcement to identify and respond to trafficking in their neighborhoods.
“One way you can support the survivors here is the personal care items. We often have special requests and needs. Another way is to give to the scholarship fund. This is a huge resource and empowers women to get a higher education or learn skills that would enable them to go get a job or career of their choice.”Lisa Indermuhle – STEP Coordinator, YWCA
Human trafficking statistics do not tell the full story, since many cases remain hidden.
Victims are often trapped by fear, stigma and lack of resources, but through the STEP program, the YWCA hopes it can bring a lifeline to survivors.