YWCA Wheeling Hosts Walk for Domestic Violence Awareness
Each year nearly 10 million women and men in the United States are physically abused by an intimate partner.
To help call attention to this on-going crisis, the Wheeling YWCA held a domestic violence awareness walk Thursday.
Dozens of people took part.
The walk started at the YWCA building and continued to Heritage Port. That’s where a brief ceremony was held to honor domestic violence awareness month.
Members of the Ohio County Sheriff’s Office and the City of Wheeling also took part.
“Intimate partner violence happens in all of our communities and a lot of our children are impacted by this so it’s extremely important for our community to have that awareness, so they know what resources exist, the programs that are offered to provide assistance to help their loved ones get help.”LAURA ALBERTINI WEIGEL, DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS, WHEELING YWCA
“We are very lucky in the Ohio Valley and especially in Ohio County because we have the YWCA located in Wheeling. The Ohio County Sheriff’s Office will always work with them and continue to try to make sure they make a safe environment for everybody.”OHIO COUNTY SHERIFF TOM HOWARD